📄️ Authentication
To get an access token, use this code:
📄️ Rate Limiting
HTTP Headers
📄️ Contacts
Contact fields are a core part of how Turn.io stores data related to a given contact.
📄️ Messages
📄️ Media
To use media in messages, the media file must be uploaded to the media endpoint. Once the upload is complete, you can send a message by referring to the media ID.
📄️ Health
This endpoint is only available for on prem numbers and will be deprecated soon.
📄️ Webhooks
Webhooks are configurable via the Turn.io UI.
📄️ Settings
Turn.io only exposes a subset of the WhatsApp Business API. Each section and the functionality exposed is listed below.
📄️ Errors
Meta Error Codes
📄️ API Extensions
The Turn.io API is completely aligned with the official WhatsApp Business API.
📄️ Turn.io Context
This context api is currently versioned as 1.0.0-alpha. This API is still subject to change as the use cases for it crystalise.
📄️ Journeys API
Journeys were previously called stacks. The words "stacks" and "journeys" may be used interchangeably in our documentation and you may
📄️ Turn.io Channel API
The Channel API allows you to build a Channel Connector that allows you to send and receive messages from platforms other than WhatsApp.
📄️ Turn.io Fallback Channel
This API is going to be deprecated at some point in the future.
📄️ Turn.io Events API
This API is going to be deprecated at some point in the future.
📄️ Data Export API
The Data Export API allows you to search for data inside Turn.io by a given range of dates.
📄️ Flow Results API
The Flow Results API standardizes the exchange of data collected by a Stack and external data analysis/visualization applications. The data covered by this API is the "results" or "responses" recorded during interactions with end-users through Journeys.