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Settings only exposes a subset of the WhatsApp Business API. Each section and the functionality exposed is listed below.

Application Settings

Setting the application settings

$ curl -X PATCH \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"webhooks": {
"url": ""

> {}

Retrieving the application settings

$ curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token'

> {
"settings": {
"application": {
"webhooks": {
"url": ""

Configure your primary webhook with this endpoint. The primary webhook is given priority when relaying messages to your endpoints.

Before an event is dispatched to your configured webhook endpoint, it is queued in Under normal conditions this is a matter of milliseconds. operates 3 levels of queue priority, low, default, and high. The low priority queue is drained with least urgency and the high priority queue is given maximum amount of resources to ensure fast delivery.

Which queues your events are dispatched to depends on how fast your endpoint responds. The response time of your endpoints are sampled once every 20 webhook event deliveries. The time it takes you to accept a message for delivery determines what queue the following event is going to be dispatched to.

QueueMillisecond threshold
low1 second or more
defaultLonger than 200ms but less than 1 second
high200ms or less's commitment is that if your webhook endpoint is fast in processing messages we will commit to process your messages as fast as we can. If your webhook endpoint is slow, we will treat the events with low priority.

Sampling of your webhook response time is constantly ongoing and as you change your processing speed you will automatically be moved to a higher or lower queue priority.


We may choose to expose more application settings functionality in the future. Please get in touch with us should you feel anything critical is missing.

Webhook Retry Strategy will rety to send a webhook event depending on the HTTP status code:

Error TypeBehaviorExample HTTP Response
4XX HTTP Status Codes (Client Errors)Cancel further retriesHTTP 404 Not Found
Unresolvable Domain Errors (Permanent)Cancel further retriesHTTP 502 Bad Gateway (Unresolvable Domain)
Network Errors (Temporary)RetryHTTP 504 Gateway Timeout
Other ErrorsRetryHTTP 500 Internal Server Error

This ensures that retriable errors are handled efficiently, while unrecoverable ones are quickly identified and canceled, optimizing the system’s response to different failure scenarios. will continue to retry it for a maximum of 5 times. does this with an incremental backoff, meaning there is an increased delay in every retry.

The first retry follows roughly 17 seconds after the first failed attempt. The following retries occur about 19 seconds, 24, 31 and then 47 seconds later. Messages will be dropped if the endpoint is offline longer than about 140 seconds.

Some amount of jitter is introduced in the retry timings and so the exact timing interval may differ at times.

Reset Primary Webhook Settings

$ curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token'

Settings can be reset with an HTTP DELETE call to the endpoint. At this point that only results in clearing of the primary webhook, if one was set.

Setting the Business About Settings


Support for this API was removed with the move to the Cloud API. It will not continue to work for numbers that have migrated to the Cloud API as it was an on-premise only feature.

This information can now be changed in the Settings section of

Setting the business about

$ curl -X PATCH \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"text": "your-profile-about-text"
> {}

Use the /v1/settings/profile/about endpoint to configure your about text:


textstringText to display in your profile's About section. The max length for the string is 139 characters.

A successful request returns the HTTP Status Code 200 OK and either null or .

Viewing the Business About Settings

Retrieving the business about

$ curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token'
> '{
"settings": {
"profile": {
"about": {
"text": "your-profile-about-text"

A successful response contains the profile object with the text parameter containing your profile's About content.

Setting the Business Profile Settings

Setting the business profile

$ curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"address": "your-business-address",
"description": "your-business-description",
"email": "your-business-email",
"vertical": "your-business-industry",
"websites": [ "your-website-1", "your-website-2" ]

> {}

Retrieving a business profile

$ curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token'

> {
"settings": {
"business": {
"profile": {
"address": "business-address",
"description": "business-description",
"email": "business-email",
"vertical": "business-industry",
"websites": [ "website-1", "website-2" ]

Use the /v1/settings/business/profile endpoint to configure your business profile settings such as:

  • Business address
  • Business description
  • Email for business contact
  • Business industry
  • Business website

Currently, settings can only be configured as a group. Future releases may enable setting individual settings.


addressstringaddress of the business. Maximum of 256 characters
descriptionstringDescription of the business. Maximum of 256 characters
emailstringEmail address to contact the business. Maximum of 128 characters
verticalstringIndustry of the business. Maximum of 128 characters
websitesarray of stringsURLs associated with business (e.g., website, Facebook page, Instagram). Maximum of 2 websites with a maximum of 256 characters each

A successful request returns the HTTP Status Code 200 OK and either null or .

Setting the Profile Photo

$ curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
-H 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' \
--data-binary @your-path-to-image

To change your profile photo using the API, send the raw image to the /v1/settings/profile/photo endpoint.

Profile photos can be of any dimension and size. The WhatsApp Business API Client will scale and crop it to be a square with a max edge of 640 and max size of 63KB before uploading to our servers. An image size of 640x640 is recommended.


If you are having trouble uploading your JPEG image it may be because of hidden attributes in your image file. We recommend using to clear your image of these attributes and then trying again.

A successful request returns the HTTP Status Code 200 OK and either null or .

Retrieve Profile Photo


Support for this API was removed with the move to the Cloud API. It will not continue to work for numbers that have migrated to the Cloud API as it was an on-premise only feature.

This information can now be changed in the Settings section of

$ curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token'

Use the WhatsApp Business API's /v1/settings/profile/photo endpoint to retrieve the image that you are using as your profile photo.

Two-Step Verification


Support for this API was removed with the move to the Cloud API. It will not continue to work for numbers that have migrated to the Cloud API as it was an on-premise only feature.

This information can now be changed in the Settings section of

$ curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"pin": "859274"}
$ curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer token'

A successful request returns the HTTP Status Code 200 OK.

Use two-step verification to add an extra layer of security to the WhatsApp Business API Client. When you have two-step verification enabled, any attempt to register your phone number on WhatsApp must be accompanied by the six-digit PIN that you create using this feature. Two-step verification can be enabled and disabled using the /v1/settings/account/two-step endpoint.

To enable two-step verification, use HTTP POST with the pin parameter on the /v1/settings/account/two-step endpoint.

To remove two-step verification, use HTTP DELETE.


Two step verification must be enabled when wanting to apply for a verified business name.